Creating Communities of Belonging

Connecting and supporting people who have disabilities, their families, and faith communities to create a culture of belonging for everybody.

What’s New at ADN

Are you All In for ADN?

Show us your support by making a monthly donation.

Our fall online fundraiser invites you to be “All In” and donate monthly to support the work of ADN. When you pledge an ongoing monthly donation, you empower us to develop new resources and visit more congregations, educating and providing support to communities.

Monthly contributions have a profound impact on our ability to budget effectively and use our resources wisely. With a reliable monthly contribution, our donors help us plan and allocate resources with confidence, ensuring our programs continue to thrive and grow.

Four white young adults and one white youth play instruments and sing on a stage. The youth has visible signs of down syndrome.
Worship Band at Waterford Mennonite Church. Photo by Jordan Kauffman; used with permission.