Board of Directors
Guiding ADN towards its mission
The Board of Directors of Anabaptist Disabilities Network provides guidance for the organization, ensuring that ADN remains focused on its mission. The Board of Directors creates and approves an annual budget, supports staff actions and accomplishments, and advocates for ADN in their congregation and community. Members of the Board of Directors serve as part of ADN’s network by offering their professional and lived experience, as well as monetary donations, toward fulfilling ADN’s vision.

Mitch Stutzman, Board President
Mitch serves as the Director of Development and Partner Engagement for MennoMedia. Mitch has a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and taught middle school special education before becoming a part of the residence life team at Hesston College where he further developed his passion for building a supportive and inclusive culture for individuals of all abilities. In his current work and previous institutional advancement experience, Mitch has nurtured planned giving expertise and the desire to empower donor generosity through creative giving tools. Mitch lives in Hesston, Kansas, with his wife Jasmine and two children. Their family attends Whitestone Mennonite Church.
Term: 2019-2025

Laura Stone, Board Vice President
Laura is a Church of the Brethren District Minister living in North Manchester, Indiana, with her 6 cats and Samwise, her Great Dane service dog in training. Much of her career has been in music ministry, residential mental health, and hospital and long-term care chaplaincy. Learning to relate to her own body and its changing limitations has opened up a new realm of spirituality and compassion for her, even as it challenges her daily. Purple is her favorite color, she loves Celtic and American folk music, and she reads as much sci-fi and fantasy as she can get her hands on.
Term: 2023-2026

Christopher Stauffer, board treasurer
Christopher is a partner in a CPA firm in Newton, Kansas, where he specializes in audits, reviews, financial statement preparation and tax preparation for nonprofit organizations, as well as tax preparation for individuals, businesses and trusts. He and his wife Miriam make their home in rural Canton, Kansas. They have four children, one of whom is in college and three of whom are still at home, including a daughter with Down syndrome. He is a member of Spring Valley Mennonite Church near Canton, where he serves as an elder and also as congregational secretary.
Term: 2022-2025

Lyle Miller, board secretary
Lyle serves as a Stewardship Consultant for Everence, where he supports congregations in their financial stewardship ministry, nonprofits in their development activities and individuals in their desire to be generous. Prior to joining Everence, he served in pastoral ministry for eight years and more than 20 years as a college administrator. He lives in Goshen, Indiana, and attends Waterford Mennonite Church with his wife, Bonnie, a retired special education teacher. They have two adult children.
Term: 2023-2026

​Rebekah Flores, ex-officio board member
Rebekah lives in Huntley, Illinois, where she attends Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren. Rebekah brings experience living and working with people with developmental disabilities and a strong interest in promoting disability awareness and inclusion in congregations. She serves on the board as liaison to the Church of the Brethren.
Term: 2018-unspecified

Emily Krabill
Emily has a beautiful, complex, and powerful mind. She tends to hyper focus on what she is passionate about, whether it’s pop culture, worrying about people connected to the events in the world or her friends and family. She lives with her dad and stepmom, and she misses her mom in Oregon and the siblings that have moved out of town. She has a job at Soapy Gnome, a local soap boutique that she loves. She is quite excited to see what her podcast, Expert Tips of Self Advocates of ADEC, has in store for this year. When she is not working, she likes to work on her blog, act, sing and dance.
Term: 2024-2027

Jon-Erik Misz
Jon-Erik (J.E.) resides in Goshen, Indiana, where he works as a licensed clinical social worker. Some of his favorite people in the world have experienced mental illness, and he views their presence in our church communities as a true gift. He is a member of Waterford Mennonite Church, where his wife, Katie, serves on the pastoral team.
Term: 2022-2025

Jeanne Davies, executive director
Jeanne Davies serves as ADN’s executive director and on the board in an ex-officio capacity.